Future Technology Gadgets – Build a Future World

Technology has reached its heights and even the common objects like pen and watch acts clever these days. We have seen a lot of gadgets doing wonders only in James Bond movies. But here are some of the real future technology gadgets that make you feel astounding.

Future Technology Gadgets- A Predictor

You should be saying good bye soon to Palmology and Astrology. Horoscope is made easier with accurate predictions with the help of Predictables that forecasts your future. Divided into two sections, it has an application to collect data and the second being a medium to project the data. By using special algorithms and complex analysis, it predicts Love, friendship, Life etc…


Future Technology Gadgets for a Cool Life

Mobile phones have become smarter and smarter to ease the work. But if you are lazy enough to carry a smart phone as an extra object in your hand, you can change it into a ring. It’s Unbelievable, right? Yes, it’s what the Smarty Ring offers.

It has 24×7 battery life and acts typical to a smart phone- SMS, LED Display, Charger, Social Networking and much more. It is one of the best future technology gadgets you can wish for.

smartyringFor more technology information, http://techloka.com/


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